- To Love A Narcissist to Premiere in New York!
- Score Tickets for the HK Lit Fest!
- Field of Hollywood Dreams
- Happy Year of the Snake!
- Future Expression - The Tentacle
- Imprint 23 Launch at HK Lit Fest
- HKILF 2025: Save the Dates!
- Toxic Love
- Transference Surpasses 26M Views!
- Mood v Weather
- Happy 2025!
- The Apostrophe - Action
- To Love A Narcissist in Sanctum
- The Ballad of Billy Lopez
- To Love A Narcissist Remastered Trailer
- Find me in the Reflection Room on RTHK Radio 3
- Here and Now Exhibition
- The Apostrophe - Excuses
- Eny Re-imagines Wellbeing in Powerful TEDx Talk!
- Brain Back Memories
Ballad of ‘Lucky’ Luke!
This week was mostly spent in a garden shed co-writing and recording a spoof country & western track, the Ballad of Lucky Luke, with Col & Ryan Stanton for the soundtrack of my latest doc, Tucker’s Luck. In the doc, I arrange for wayward wannabe horse whisperer Luke Tucker to meet his hero Monty Roberts in Britain, before sponsoring him to travel to America to train at the Californian home of the legendary American horse whisperer. The film broadcasts in April on Sky’s Horse & Country Channel (H&C), recently crowned ‘Best Specialist TV Channel’ at the Broadcast Awards. Lock up your horses…