Sadie received commendations at the UK Broadcast Awards & Rose d’Or Television Festival for her web comedy series Dinner Party. She won a BBC Talent competition for sketch writing with Sack the Writer. She worked as a writer and development producer for BBC Fiction Lab and Channel 4 Comedy Lab. She’s spent the past few years making quirky little podcasts, offbeat docs and humorous slots for Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK Radio 3) and films with London company Contro Vento.
From 2019-2021 she wrote a column as RTHK’s ‘Miss Adventure‘ for HK Buzz. Her monthly humour column for RTHK Radio 3, Sharp Pains, spawned some goofy columns in the South China Morning Post. Her ‘3 terrifying short stories‘ were published in the festive edition of Post Mag 2021. In 2023 Sharp Pains was long-listed for Helen Lederer‘s Comedy Women in Print Prize. In Dec 2024 she won CWIP‘s flash fiction comp.
Sadie’s first foray into children’s stories was The Wishing Machine, a whimsical tale of two kids and a magic washing machine. She’s an active member of SCBWI, the Women in Publishing Society and the Hong Kong Writers Circle. Her short story Shitstorm was published in the Hong Kong Writers Circle‘s anthology After the Storm and launched at the 2021 Hong Kong International Literary Festival. Her short story Toot was published HKWC anthology A Book of Changes in 2022. Her dystopian short story The Opposite of Truth was placed a runner up in Post-Apocalyptic Media‘s 2022 Short Story Contest and published in anthology Through the Remains in 2023.
She helped edit and contributed humorous short stories and an absurdist poem to Lost in Transition, which launched at Hong Kong Lit Fest 2024. Her humorous short stories and essays were published in the Women in Publishing Society‘s anthologies Imprint 21 and Imprint 22, which launched at the Hong Kong International Lit Fest in 2023 and 2024. She performed Bake Fail in 2023 and The Snide Sniper in 2024. Her humorous short stories will appear in 2025 anthologies Imprint 23 and Score.
Poet Laureate of her apartment, Sadie’s poems received places and publication in the 2020, 2022, 2023 and 2024 Proverse Poetry Prize anthologies Mingled Voices 5, Mingled Voices 7 and Mingled Voices 8. In 2021 she read a poem at the HKU Libraries Reading Club. She’s shared stories and poetry inspired by mental health as an ambassador at Mind HK‘s events Poetry for Mental Health: The Healing Power of Words and Conversations of the Heart. She was one of three poets taking part in Mind HK‘s 2024 Hong Kong Lit Fest event Poetry, Stories and Mental Health. Two of her poems will be published in zine The Tentacle, which will be launched at HKILF 2025.
Her ‘rant‘ on having a mental health condition that’s muddied with the spectre of nuclear attack was published by the SCMP in 2022. Her article on the mental health benefits of doing what she’s bad at was published by the China Daily in 2023. Her articles about changing the lexicon of mental health and the effect of climate change on mood were published by the China Daily in 2024. Her latest piece for Mind HK can be read here.
She’s contributed to features about mental health for blogs, magazines and charities. She was a contributor to a charity cookbook raising funds for The Prince’s Trust. In 2022 she took part in an exhibition of letters and art by Mind HK ambassadors to mark the anniversary of the charity’s More Than A Label campaign. In August 2024 she took part in an exhibition of art, stories and photography inspired by mental health at the 3812 Gallery. She’s art editor for The Apostrophe.