- To Love A Narcissist to Premiere in New York!
- Score Tickets for the HK Lit Fest!
- Field of Hollywood Dreams
- Happy Year of the Snake!
- Future Expression - The Tentacle
- Imprint 23 Launch at HK Lit Fest
- HKILF 2025: Save the Dates!
- Toxic Love
- Transference Surpasses 26M Views!
- Mood v Weather
- Happy 2025!
- The Apostrophe - Action
- To Love A Narcissist in Sanctum
- The Ballad of Billy Lopez
- To Love A Narcissist Remastered Trailer
- Find me in the Reflection Room on RTHK Radio 3
- Here and Now Exhibition
- The Apostrophe - Excuses
- Eny Re-imagines Wellbeing in Powerful TEDx Talk!
- Brain Back Memories
Breakfast with CBAA Australia
Thanks to Australian radio network CBAA for inviting me to be a guest on their Breakfast Show. I’ll be chatting to the show’s hosts about fighting mental health with humour and performing an episode of my humour column Sharp Pains. The column has been running on RTHK Radio 3 for a year! A few have also been published as humour columns by the South China Morning Post. They also inspired short stories for anthology After The Storm, which is set to be published and launched at the 2021 Hong Kong International Lit Fest Nov 12. 🙌