Death & The Frozen Tundra – Mental Ideas Podcast

A deadly podcast about Death by Anxious Showman Mat Ricardo is poignantly paired with Nollywood actor Dan Davies presenting the weather forecast… in Wisconsin.

Death & The Frozen Tundra broadcasted live on RTHK Radio 3 May 14! Download the podcast via the links below! On next week’s Mental Ideas Podcast, I’m joined in the studio (not just on Skype) by Virtual Reality Dance-maker Eugenia Kim, who’ll be explaining to me how her bipolar disorder has fueled her creativity. Virtually Eugenia broadcasts next Thursday @ 2.30 HKT on RTHK Radio 3!

Meanwhile, Mat and Dan will be back on Mental Ideas in a couple of weeks time talking about their experiences with trolls in Trolls Anonymous. Don’t miss it!!!


Death & The Frozen Tundra on RTHK

Mat Ricardo’s website

Mat Ricardo TEDX Talk

Dan Interview – USA Today

Dan on IMDb
