Imprint 22 Launching at HK Lit Fest Event March 7!

Excited to share that the Women in Publishing Society‘s anthology Imprint 22 will launch as part of the 2024 Hong Kong International Literary Festival 7 March from 7-10pm at the FCC! Last year two of my humorous short stories, including a restaurant review by my poodle (!), were published in Imprint 21, which also launched during the lit fest and where I had the pleasure of reading Bake Fail. This year, I can’t wait to see my humorous short story The Snide Sniper, poem Barking Mad (with sketch of my dog) and personal essay about my neurodiversity published. I am also wildly excited to have been invited back to perform The Snide Sniper at another WiPS lit fest event celebrating women’s voices!

2023 WiPS Lit Fest event @FCC
