The Depressed Banker – Mental Ideas Podcast

Brace yourselves for another “slightly strange” (yeah…) episode of my Mental Ideas strand of RTHK Radio 3! This week my guest is the multi-talented and inspirational Christina Yung! She banks. She cares for her Mum. She writes books and takes magical photographs of Hong Kong old shops. She’s in tears twice during the interview and has the most infectious raucous laugh I’ve ever had the pleasure of developing tinnitus from!

On next week’s episode Mat Ricardo and Dan Davies recount their most memorable experiences with internet trolls in Trolls Anonymous. Only Dan has another word for them… and he uses it a lot… Meanwhile, lovely Christina will be back on the podcast in episode 11, Money.


The Depressed Banker on RTHK

Christina’s website

Small Shops, Big Hearts

Christina in the SCMP


